Sarah Preidt Sarah Preidt

SbD4Nano at the INDTech 2024 Conference

SbD4Nano at the INDTech 2024 Conference!

INDTech 2024 in Namur, Belgium, gathered stakeholders to discuss industrial technology advancements. Presentations, round tables, and exhibitions covered current trends, challenges, and future directions.

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Besa Maliqi Syla Besa Maliqi Syla

SbD4Nano at NanoInnovation 2023

SbD4Nano has been presented at the NanoInnovation Conference & Exhibition 2023, during the workshop “Improving materials development by Safe and Sustainable by Design approaches (SSbD)”, a joint event of the EU projects ASINA, SABYDOMA, SAbyNA, SbD4Nano and REPOXYBLE.

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Yasemin Ertugrul Yasemin Ertugrul

Press Release (December 2021)

SbD4Nano Project is pleased to share the latest project developments via our press release published in December 2021.

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Emily Kay Emily Kay

Open Access to JRC Research Infrastructures

In the Framework of Open Access to JRC Research Infrastructures, the JRC Nanobiotechnology Laboratory is being opened up for access by external researchers in order to promote the development and exploitation of nanotechnology, advanced materials and related topics.

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