The Advisory Board
The SbD4Nano advisory board is a group of experts who meet regularly with the consortium throughout the project. They assess the scientific quality of the project, advise the steering board on issues relating to the progress of the research actives, provide input and feedback on the e-infrastructure development, support the cooperation with relevant interest groups outside the project and if needed, discuss strategies in case of delays or obstacles to the planned implementation of the project.
Advisory Board Members
Dr. Vladimir Murashov
Dr. Vladimir Murashov, Senior Scientist in the Office of the Director of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety in Washington, D.C. He leads nanotechnology safety groups in IOS, OECD and WHO.
Dr. Mark Wiesner
Dr. Mark Wiesner, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Duke University. Senior scientist in nanostructured materials, transport and fate of NMs in the environment.
Prof. King Lun Yeung
Prof. King Lun Yeung, Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Senior scientist in advanced Materials, Nanostructured and Nanoporous Materials.
Dr. Martie Van Tongeren
Dr. Martie Van Tongeren. Professor of Occupational & Environmental Health the University of Manchester, UK. He has nearly 30 years of experience in research in occupational and environmental exposure assessment and epidemiology, and 175 publications on occupational health and risk assessment, exposure assessment, exposure assessment and mitigation.